status check
My current project is a collection of stories (or narratives, or memoirs, or whatever the hell you want to call them). Three are finished, one more is close. Four stories, 18K words. If a...
My current project is a collection of stories (or narratives, or memoirs, or whatever the hell you want to call them). Three are finished, one more is close. Four stories, 18K words. If a...
So my next story, Aisle Five, Halfway Down, Top Shelf, is approaching “done.” Extraneous crap removed, structural flaws resolved, ambiguities clarified. Most importantly, it passed the Liza test; she laughed. Now proofing and polishing,...
Katya took her English progress test today. As an ENL (English as a New Language) student, she gets some assistance from the school, and every year they give an assessment test. We were talking...
One Story: Thank you for sending us “Venite Adoremus”. We really enjoyed this piece, but we didn’t feel it was right for One Story. We hope that you will continue to send us your...
The #redditwriters group has held several write-ins on their slack channel now, and I’ve been in a few of them. The format is usually something like a 5 minute warm-up, a 20 minute prompt,...
Editing Driving Lessons some more. Really missing the funny in some places– it’s harder than it looks. And what the hell was I thinking, concocting a word like “mythofecalconfectionate”? Get over yourself, Pen– come...
…oozing head cold. My mucus production has increased thousandfold; I should be able to lube up a medium-sized industrial nation at this point. No worries, I’m saving it all.
I made the mistake of rereading my story, Driving Lessons, after having left it alone for several months. Yeah. Smart. I found a few things that scream “what the hell were you thinking, first...
On twitter, another writer tagged me in a chainmeme with the question, “why do you write?” It’s not an easy question, the more you dig down. There are layers and layers. Like a frog....
Keep writing. Have you *read* some of the crap out there that actually made it? You can put crap out there too; just keep at it. 🙂
author, writer, and monger of things, stories, and other wordments
DISCLAIMER: Not really Heat Miser
I’m a jaded software developer, married to a crazed Russian woman from Estonia, father to two scheming adopted kids from Ukraine, living in the middle of Indiana. So I write stories about that.