I love the smell of Axe in the morning

I love the smell of Axe in the morning

Dima likes Axe brand deodorant. I don’t know what the scent is named, but it’s a translucent electric blue stick, and it mostly reminds me of a heavy smoker’s car that’s been draped with...

once in a blue moon

Every so often, maybe three or four weeks, the mood changes. The earth buckles and shifts, lifts itself up and settles back down into a new space. The wind swirls, reminds itself to be...

Half Price Books

I went to the Half Price Books in Indy today. It was forty-five minutes of fresh air after a long, hard week of disappointment and worry in the Day Job. It’s been some years...

beta readers, beta readers, beta readers

I can’t overstate the importance of beta readers. I’ve been working on Bunny of Destiny with the idea that it was pretty close to done. But then. A friend from the #redditwriters group offered...

David Sedaris speaking at Butler University in Indianapolis

master of the book tour

  I went to see David Sedaris on his 2018 book tour stop in Indy tonight. I went by myself; his humor isn’t Liza’s cup of tea. I paid more attention to the mechanics...



God help me, Katya passed the test and has her learner’s permit. It took her 5 attempts to pass. Relevant, as this will probably necessitate a round two for my story, Driving Lessons.

klingon fabric artists, take note

klingon fabric artists, take note

Liza is a knitter and a fabric artist, always trying new techniques and trying new things further up the supply chain. Lately she is washing, carding, and spinning yarns from different types of animals....

anthologically speaking

anthologically speaking

So a group of writers from the #redditwriters group banded together and wrote a bunch of stories. Several hard-working folks edited, curated, blended, blessed, and otherwise anthologized ’em up, with the result that tomorrow,...

reasons to skip that shower today

reasons to skip that shower today

it’s only day 4 and you don’t smell bad everywhere yet you work from home, no need to impress anyone just figured out what was wrong with that scene from your latest story, and...

less is more…unless it’s more

I’m a fan of Strunk & White’s Elements of Style; it’s one of the few physical books I want nearby so I can leaf through it on demand. The demand, however, arises quite often...