beta readers, beta readers, beta readers
I can’t overstate the importance of beta readers. I’ve been working on Bunny of Destiny with the idea that it was pretty close to done. But then. A friend from the #redditwriters group offered...
I can’t overstate the importance of beta readers. I’ve been working on Bunny of Destiny with the idea that it was pretty close to done. But then. A friend from the #redditwriters group offered...
So a group of writers from the #redditwriters group banded together and wrote a bunch of stories. Several hard-working folks edited, curated, blended, blessed, and otherwise anthologized ’em up, with the result that tomorrow,...
The #redditwriters group has held several write-ins on their slack channel now, and I’ve been in a few of them. The format is usually something like a 5 minute warm-up, a 20 minute prompt,...
On twitter, another writer tagged me in a chainmeme with the question, “why do you write?” It’s not an easy question, the more you dig down. There are layers and layers. Like a frog....
Time for writing has been a bit hard to come by of late, and the writing itself has been a bit strained when I finally get to it. Sustaining is hard. Work is hard....
So the other day, on a much-needed time out from work, I scanned r/writing and saw someone suggesting that the good folk of that subreddit band together on twitter and make a marketing/motivational/all-around-scriptional-badassery group....
author, writer, and monger of things, stories, and other wordments
DISCLAIMER: Not really Heat Miser
I’m a jaded software developer, married to a crazed Russian woman from Estonia, father to two scheming adopted kids from Ukraine, living in the middle of Indiana. So I write stories about that.