full of sound and fury
Audio is on the rise. You see (hear?) it everywhere, from surging audiobook sales to everyone and their brother now having a podcast. If you’re a writer looking to publish, you’re very likely going to be involved in some sort of audio production of your work at some point.

(a quick aside, this fact hasn’t eluded me, either– it’s all in the plan. Just that life thing keeps on getting in the way.)
Case in point, my writing group, TL;DR Press, has joined the fray and hacked our way into podcast land. We started off with an “episode zero” chat about our origin story. Have a listen.
It’s funny, though. For the most part I don’t have the patience for the de facto standard podcast format, that is, people having a light chat that’s half-interview style, half oh-my-isn’t-this-tea-lovely. It makes me want to shake the monitor and shout WILL YOU GET TO THE EFFING POINT ALREADY. I suppose I’m not much for nuance.
The intent of the coming TL;DR podcasts, though, will be to talk stories and methods and madness, oh my. I admit I’m psyched for this.
As to my own audio content, well, I’m still a bit far from that, though I have several ideas churning. But as with anything, story will be at the center.
All right, that’s it for now. Go make some noise.