stuff goin’ on
It’s been a while since my last post, but there has been quite a bit happening. Day job stuff. Holidays. Death. Sickness. Household repairs. Family stuff. More day job stuff. Editing and curating stuff. The hardest thing of all was my father dying. I’ll go deeper into that, almost definitely, but right now it’s just too soon.
There have been a few bright spots. This Christmas was the second year running where all my sibs and their families got together and stayed in a big-ass cabin in the park. It was a lot of fun, and for now at least, we all still seem to like each other.
Also, I’m one of the curators of the TLDR Press family-themed anthology, and we had some really fantastic stories come in. It’s rare that something is at the same time an honor, a privilege, and fun, but this was. So be looking for that to come out in a month or so.
And amid all the stuff going on, I’ve even managed to make some progress on stories, and even got some practice reading a few things…aloud…to others. (gasp) To my delight and surprise, it went well. Things are coming a bit more into focus, at least from where I’m sitting. Anyway, here’s to the now, with a nod to the future. More as we go!
For now, here’s a piece of a story I’m working on now, called Father Figures: