beta readers, beta readers, beta readers
I can’t overstate the importance of beta readers. I’ve been working on Bunny of Destiny with the idea that it was pretty close to done. But then. A friend from the #redditwriters group offered...
I can’t overstate the importance of beta readers. I’ve been working on Bunny of Destiny with the idea that it was pretty close to done. But then. A friend from the #redditwriters group offered...
I’m a fan of Strunk & White’s Elements of Style; it’s one of the few physical books I want nearby so I can leaf through it on demand. The demand, however, arises quite often...
So my next story, Aisle Five, Halfway Down, Top Shelf, is approaching “done.” Extraneous crap removed, structural flaws resolved, ambiguities clarified. Most importantly, it passed the Liza test; she laughed. Now proofing and polishing,...
Editing Driving Lessons some more. Really missing the funny in some places– it’s harder than it looks. And what the hell was I thinking, concocting a word like “mythofecalconfectionate”? Get over yourself, Pen– come...
author, writer, and monger of things, stories, and other wordments
DISCLAIMER: Not really Heat Miser
I’m a jaded software developer, married to a crazed Russian woman from Estonia, father to two scheming adopted kids from Ukraine, living in the middle of Indiana. So I write stories about that.