Category: Uncategorized

alpha up

alpha up

Liza and I have been married for 21 years now. We’re approaching half of our lives spent together. Which is a personal best in the “roommates” category for both of us. But I digress....



This is the first whack at an opener from my next story/essay/reflection on lying. It’s part of a collection that is intended to be read aloud as well, so verbal flow is just as...

new friends in the same boat

new friends in the same boat

So the other day, on a much-needed time out from work, I scanned r/writing and saw someone suggesting that the good folk of that subreddit band together on twitter and make a marketing/motivational/all-around-scriptional-badassery group....

makes perfect sense to me

makes perfect sense to me

Katya and I were driving to the store last night, and she was doing her normal radio dance: sing along for ten seconds then switch the channel to something else. She landed on some...



So my story, Driving Lessons, is now up on Amazon. But first, I did send it to a few places to see if it could pass muster. It did not. But it’s interesting to...

new beginnings

new beginnings

i’ve been futzing around with writing my whole life. A few times, I started to take it seriously. Those times were few and far between. Not anymore. I’ve thought and thought about what I...